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    Rambler's Top100

Rottweiler Ulk


(FCI 147/16.01.1996)

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

General Appearance: Light, racy, weedy appearance. Light in bone and muscle.

Head: Hound-type head. Narrow, light, too short, too long or coarse head. Flat forehead. Lack of stop or too little.
Foreface: Long or pointed muzzle; split nose; roman nose or dished nose; aquiline nose; pale or spotted nose (butterfly nose).
Lips: Pendulous, pink or patchy; corner of lips visible.
Jaws: Narrow lower jaw.
Cheeks: Strongly protruding cheeks.
Bite: Pincer bite.
Ears: Set on too low, heavy, long, slack or turned backwards. Also flying ears or ears not carried symmetrically.
Eyes: Light, showing how, deep set. Also round eyes.

Neck: Too long, thin, lacking muscle. Showing dewlap or throaty.
Body: Too long, too short or too narrow.
Back: Too long, weak; sway-back or roach back.
Croup: Croup too sloping, too short, too flat or too long.
Chest: Flat ribbed or barrel shaped. Lack of spring.
Tail: Set on too high or to low.

Forequarters: Narrow or crooked front legs. Steep shoulder placement. Loose or out at elbow. Too long, too short or too straight in upper arm. Weak or straight pasterns. Splayed feet. Too flat or too arched toes. Deformed toes. Light coloured nails.
Hindquarters: Flat thighs, hocks too close, cow hocks or open hocked. Joints with too little or too much angulation. Dewclaws.

Skin: Wrinkles on head.
Coat: Soft, too short or too long. Wavy coat, lack of undercoat.
Colour: Mismarking. Smudged, not clearly defined markings. Markings which are too spread out.


General: Marked reversal of sexual type, i.e. feminine dogs or masculine bitches.
Behaviour: Anxious, shy, cowardly, gun-shy, vicious, excessively suspicious, nervous animals.
Eyes: Entropion, ectropion, yellow eyes, different coloured eyes.
Teeth: Overshot or undershot bite, way mouth; missing one incisive tooth, one canine, one premolar or one molar.
Coat texture: Very long or wavy coat.
Coat colour: Dogs which do not show the typical Rottweiler colouring of black with tan markings. White markings.

Males must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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